Supervision as a method is primarily aimed at people in therapeutic professions. However, its application is equally relevant and recommended in the domains of education, nursing, and child care, as well as in team settings. The goals of supervision include the optimization of one's own work, the improvement of cooperation and relationships, relief, and the prevention of burnout.
I am accredited by the Psychotherapeutenkammer NRW as a supervisor for deep psychological psychotherapy. I offer individual, team and group supervision for the processing of cases and challenging professional situations.
For detailed information about the approach, the framework, the process and the costs, please contact me, preferably by e-mail.
I am accredited by the Psychotherapeutic Association of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia as a self-experience leader and offer this in individual and group settings. Please contact me by email.
Self-experience has the general goal of getting to know oneself better and developing oneself further as a result. This can be an end in itself for those interested, often triggered by personal crises that do not lead to disorders of pathological proportions and thus to the use of professional psychotherapy.
Self-experience (in the form of group and/or individual self-experience) is usually required as part of psychotherapy training: Personal weaknesses that could interfere with therapeutic work are to be recognized and flexibility in relationship design is to be increased. Self-experience can be done individually or in groups. A bes. is the teaching analysis. There is no empirical evidence that Self-experience actually leads to the desired effects, which is unfortunate in view of the high cost of Self-experiencefor some therapies.
Self-experience serves not only to reflect on or modify personal prerequisites for therapeutic experience and action, but also to activate and promote personal resources and to support personal psychohygiene.
Contents of the self-experience are among others:
Alte Bahn 5, 47559 Kranenburg
Tuesday from 8:45 until 9:15 o‘clock
Thursday from 9:00 until 10:30 o‘clock
For consultation after appointment use our contact form